Clear Steer: CARD READING 13th NOvember 2023

Your three cards this week are:

❤️ The Star:
Everything is happening at the right time

❤️ The Ace of Pentacles: The seeds that you planted will come to fruition

❤️ 9 of Cups: Everything is already inside you.

New Moon Musings: Setting Intentions for a Fulfilling Life
[Transcript from video]

Good morning from a wet and windy Yorkshire!

Today, as the new moon graces the sky, I find myself reflecting on my intentions and the path I want to carve out for myself.

In our Yorkshire tradition, we always seem to discuss the weather, but let's shift our focus to the new moon and the power it holds.

As I ponder what I want to achieve before the next full moon, I'm reminded of the importance of seizing the present moment.

Transitioning from the dark moon, symbolic of life's challenges, I can't help but emphasize the unpredictable nature of time.

It can either be a loyal ally or a formidable foe.

I've come to realise that procrastination is a thief of time, and it's crucial to act on what I truly desire, as time is an unpredictable companion.

This personal revelation about the fleeting nature of time has made me appreciate the present more than ever.

I encourage myself and others to delve into our aspirations, regardless of scale, and take steps toward them.

With each passing year, the brevity of life becomes more apparent, urging me to adopt a proactive and appreciative mindset.

Coming in with three cards this week, we have:

  • The Star:  Everything is happening at the right time

  • The Ace of Pentacles: The seeds that you planted will come to fruition. 

  • 9 of Cups: Everything is already inside you.

So, let’s embrace the day, set intentions, and appreciate the journey.

Let me know which cards resonated with you the most!

Carolyn x


Clear Steer: CARD READING 27th NOvember 2023


Clear Steer: CARD READING 6th NOvember 2023