New Year, New You – Bollocks to that!

I’m not a massive fan of the New Year, New You bollocks.

That probably doesn’t surprise you?!

What I am a fan of is understanding what brings you joy.

Often, when people come to me for readings and I ask the question “What brings you joy?”, the answer is, “No idea!”.


Instead of New Year, New you, why not go on a quest to find out what brings you joy and happiness?

All you need to do is carve out 10 minutes a day to tune into yourself and find out what it is that really lights YOU up!

I recommend sitting in meditation – just five or 10 minutes a day is enough.

It’s all about grounding yourself and seeing what comes through.

As you go into the meditation, ask yourself:

What is it that sparks joy in me?

What lights me up?

It can be something as small as reading a book or sitting quietly by yourself.

Or, maybe being in the middle of a party brings you happiness – not me, but each to their own!

When you come out of meditation, write the joyful things down, and gradually start to tick them off your list.

If you don’t ask, or make it known, you won’t get!

t’s surprising what comes out, honestly.

I used to think: “God, I don’t know what to put.”

I would start with “I’m grateful because…”

But the longer and more regularly you do it, you’ll find that more and more stuff comes up.

I’ve often read mine back six months or so afterwards and thought: “I’m actually doing that.”

Once you put it out to the universe, there’s something inside you that calls in it.

You’ll end up thinking: “Look how far I’ve come.”

If you don’t write it down or express it, or if you don’t actually think about what you want, how do you know?

Carolyn x

P.S. To find out more about how I can help you, reach out.


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