Why Striving for Perfection is Stopping You from Clearing Your Space

Living in a perfectly tidy house all the time simply isn't achievable.

That may sound daft coming from me, but it’s 100% true.

In fact, striving for perfection stops you from clearing your spaces. 

And anyway, perfection’s a myth.

No one has a perfect house at all times – I don’t!

A home is to be lived in. It’s where loved ones come and go, meals are made, and life happens.

And, yep, mess occurs.

Even decluttering queen Marie Kondo admitted that after three kids, her house is messier.

Who knew?!

She no longer tidies up her physical spaces as much.

Instead, she stresses the importance of cleaning up mental and emotional spaces.

For me, there’s a whopping great link between letting go of physical and emotional clutter and bringing in new and fresh energy.

As you know, I’m all about my CLEAR method: decluttering the chaos of life in a down-to-earth and stress-free way, and making space to receive all the goodness that will undoubtedly flow your way.

I’m also about finding balance.

Getting CLEAR isn’t about perfection.

It’s about baby steps to feel better and be your best self.

If you’re finding it hard to get motivated to clear your spaces, I’ve got a few ideas for you to mull over.

How do the following sound..?

  • Being able to find the clothes you need in the morning really easily, and not losing 15 minutes to stress and mess.

  • Relaxing at home with your family without piles of ‘stuff’ or mess making you feel stressed.

  • Enjoying a calmer mind, helping you be present for work and the ones you love.

These are just a handful of motivators.

Sit down with a cuppa and have a think about what your CLEAR motivation is.

By connecting to the benefits of what it feels like to live and operate with less clutter, you’ve already taken the first step.

Then, it’s about starting slowly…

It doesn’t need to be overwhelming.

Make a start by setting a timer for 10-15 minutes and tackling one area of your home.

Ask for help from friends and family, or get a cleaner if you have the budget.

Bit by bit, day by day, you can get CLEAR and wave goodbye to chaos and clutter.

Your mood will improve, too.

After all, chaos and clutter can impact your brain’s ability to function, according to research by McMains and Kastner (2011).

Basically, you’re less irritable and distracted and more productive when there’s less clutter around your spaces.


Break your decluttering down into small chunks.

Find achievable ways to make it a habit.

And don’t let the thought of perfection get in your way.

C x x

P.S. To dive into decluttering your spaces in a non-perfectionist, stress-free way, book yourself in for my 1:1 CLEAR Sessions.


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