Clear Steer: CARD READING 30th OCtober 2023

Your three cards this week are:

❤️The Emperor:
What do you need to get done?

❤️The Page of Wands: Take the Leap + trust yourself

❤️8 of Cups: Let go of what no longer serves you

The Power of Intuition: Trusting Yourself and Moving Forward

[Transcript from video]

Good morning, and happy Monday to all of you!

As we approach Halloween and navigate the pre-and post-half-term rush, let's dive into a topic that's often shrouded in mystery but holds immense power in our lives – intuition.

So, what exactly is intuition?

It's that inner knowing, your gut feeling, the certainty without a shred of doubt.

It's your soul's voice, a simple, yet profound concept we sometimes overcomplicate.

But, it's essential to recognize that it's not as complicated as it may seem.

Why should we pay attention to our intuition?
Because it never leads us astray.

It's your compass, guiding you towards your true path.

To unlock your intuition's potential, you need to clear the barriers – physical, energetic, and emotional obstacles that stand in the way.

My CLEAR method is all about eliminating these blocks, enabling you to access your intuition and understand the answers to your questions.

The most significant benefit of trusting your intuition is learning to trust yourself.

So, why turn to others for advice when you possess the answers within?

To start harnessing your intuition, I suggest a simple clearing exercise.

Imagine a vacuum sweeping from your root chakra to your crown chakra, removing any doubt or confusion.

Release this energy into the ether.

Then, ground yourself by visualising a silver cord connecting you to the earth.

Now, ask yourself, "What do I want?" and jot down your thoughts.

It's a straightforward process that we often complicate due to our internal blocks.

These blocks can keep us stuck, unable to trust ourselves, and seeking external guidance.

Now, let's explore the three cards I've pulled today, which align with our intuition theme:

  1. The Emperor: This card signifies taking action, embracing the masculine energy, and getting things done. Don't procrastinate; tackle what needs to be done to find peace and happiness.

  2. The Page of Wands: It's time to take a leap of faith and start something new that feeds your soul and brings you joy. Trust yourself, stop overthinking, and just do it.

  3. The Eight of Cups: This card encourages you to let go of what no longer serves you. Release what doesn't feel right, stop dwelling on past wounds, and move forward. Embrace the present and the future.

As we approach Halloween, remember not to dwell on the past or old wounds.

Keep moving forward, and leave behind what no longer serves you.

I may or may not do a card of the day in the next few days, but I'll definitely be back before next Monday.

Have a fantastic Halloween and a wonderful week. See you soon!


Unleash Your Everyday Intuition in 3 Steps


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